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The Big Draw at Workshop under the Sky

Just a couple of photos from Saturday’s event in Tavistock square – such a thrill seeing all those families (youngest participant = only just one year old, oldest =  hmm not sure but much older anyway!!) enjoying access to the lovely range of art materials and the Yurt full of fruit, veg and flowers.  A rich experience […]

Friends and Families update

At last some more photos!  I was snapping away with such enthusiasm that I hadn’t realised how many pictures I had taken, and also how large.  So poor Gill and her husband had a struggle getting them to me.  Eventually I suggested they used We Transfer – a website that zips up the files and […]

Friends and Families of Special Children

Yesterday I took part in a project at Buckland Abbey where I was helping Jennie Hale atWorkshop under the Sky. It was a day with a difference!  And probably the best I have had in all the time I have been working with Workshop under the sky.   I turned up before anyone else; the rain had eased and […]